Therapy is a process that will help you learn to deal with difficult emotions, improve your relationships, understand yourself better, and overcome challenging life circumstances.
How do I know if I need therapy?
If you're not feeling good about yourself, not functioning as well as you would like, or experiencing conflict in your relationships, therapy can be a good address for you.
Can't I just talk to a good friend?
Unlike a friend, a therapist is someone who has received specialized training in relationship enhancement and achieving personal wellbeing. While the support of good friend can be a valuable resource, a therapist is trained to maintain an objective viewpoint and focus solely on solutions that are in your best interest.
How long will I need to be in therapy?
The length of therapy depends on when you feel you have achieved the goals you came to reach. We will evaluate where you stand relative to these goals throughout the therapy process.
Will you tell anyone what I share with you?
Everything you share is strictly confidential and will not be told to anyone. The exception to this rule is if you or any other person are in danger of being harmed. In that case, you and I will have an open discussion about the best way to proceed that keeps everyone safe and maintains trust between us. Trust is the cornerstone of successful therapy.
How long is a therapy session?
Each therapy session lasts 50 minutes.
Am I allowed to contact the therapist in between sessions?
Contact between therapist and client should primarily happen during sessions, especially when discussing delicate and personal topics. I can be most helpful to you face-to-face rather than on the phone. However, in extenuating circumstances or in case of emergency, I can be contacted by phone, text, or e-mail.
Will I be charged for a canceled session?
If you need to cancel a session, please notify me at least 24 hours before the session is scheduled to begin. Clients who cancel with less notice will still be charged the full session rate.
Will you be in touch with my previous therapist?
Speaking to a professional who you worked with in the past can provide insight into the personal work you have already done in therapy. The decision to consult your previous therapist will be made by us together.
I'm taking medication to manage my current condition. Will you speak with my psychiatrist?
It is important for all mental health and medical professionals involved to work collaboratively for your best interest. As your therapist, I will be in touch with your psychiatrist and physician as needed to provide you with the comprehensive care you deserve.
Make an Appointment
Feel free to be in touch with any questions or to schedule an appointment and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.